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History of Computer Viruses: From Floppy Disks to Wireless Networks

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The history of computer viruses dates back to the early 1980s, when the first computer virus was created in 1981 by Rick Skrenta named Elk Cloner.

Computer viruses can have very detrimental effects if they spread. Per year 2013, Computer viruses cause billions of dollars in economic losses every year.

Recently the most detrimental virus is Wannacry Ransomware. Wannacry ransomware is a worldwide cyberattack that started in 12 Mei 2017. This ransomware attack spreads through computers running Microsoft Windows. Wannacry ransomware takes users' files hostage, and demanding ransom payment in Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

The development of computer and communication systems technology influences the way computer viruses spread themselves. Starting from the spread via floppy disks and boot sectors at the beginning of the development of computers, then move on via the internet network.

What is the history of computer viruses and developments in this world? The following is a timeline of the history of computer viruses from time to time.

History of Computer Viruses from Year to Year


First 'in the wild' virus discovered. This virus, called Elk Cloner, spread via floppy disks on Apple II computers.


A pair of brothers from Pakistan, Basit and Amjad, created the first boot sector virus, named Brain. Brain is often referred to as the world's first computer virus.


File infector viruses like Leigh are starting to appear, most attack
COM files such as COMMAND.COM. In the same year the first virus attacking EXE files appeared, Suriv 01 and 02 and Jerusalem. IBM mainframes experienced an IBM Christmas Worm worm attack with a replication rate of half a million copies per hour.


The first virus to attack Macintosh computers, MacMag and Scores, appear. In the same year CERT was founded (Computer Emergency Response Team) by DARPA with the initial aim of overcoming the Morris Worm attack created by Robert Morris.


AIDS Trojan appears as a trojan that disguises itself as an AIDS information program. When executed this trojan will encrypt the hard drive and demand payment for the decryption key.


Virus Exchange Factory (VX) BBS, which is an online discussion forum for virus creators, was founded in Bulgaria. Mark Ludwig wrote the book "The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses" which contains
ways to create various types of computer viruses.


The first polymorphic virus, Tequila, appeared in Switzerland. This virus can change itself to avoid detection.


The presence of the Michaelangelo virus is a threat to the entire world. The emergence of several tools that can be used to create viruses such as
Dark Avenger Mutation Engine (DAME) which can turn any virus into a polymorphic virus, and Virus Creation Lab (VCL) which is a kit
The first thing that can be used to create viruses


Hackers under the name 'Internet Liberation Front' carried out many attacks on Thanksgiving Day. Some of the bodies that were victims of this attack were
Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, GE, IBM. The first macro virus to attack the Microsoft Word application, Concept, developed.


The emergence of the Boza virus which is specifically designed to attack Windows files 95. The Laroux virus was the first virus to attack Microsoft Excel. The Staog virus is the first Linux virus.


The appearance of the first Java virus, Strange Brew.

Back Orifice is the first trojan that can be used as a tool to take control of a remote computer via the Internet.

This year, other macro viruses emerged.


The emergence of the Melissa virus is a combination of a macro virus that attacks the Microsoft Word application and a worm that uses the address book
on Microsoft Outlook and Oulook Express applications to send itself via email.

The Corner virus was the first virus to attack MS Project application files.

The Tristate virus is a multi-program macro virus that attacks the Microsoft Word application, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Bubbleboy is the first worm that can be activated just by opening an email via the Microsoft Outlook application without requiring attachments.


Serangan Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) first doing damage to big sites like Yahoo!,, and others.

The ILOVEYOU virus is a computer virus that spreads love letters from someone in the Philippines to all their online friends. This virus was created by a Filipino programmer, who sent it as an attachment to an email message with the subject line “ILOVEYOU”. Love Letter was a worm with the highest spreading speed at that time which caused damage to many email systems throughout the world.

Liberty Crack which is the first worm for PDA equipment.


Gnuman (Mandrake) was the first worm to attack peer to peer communication networks. This worm disguises itself in the form of an MP3 file that can be downloaded.

The emergence of viruses designed to attack both Windows and Linux operating systems, like Winux or Lindose.

The LogoLogic-A virus spreads via the MIRC application and e-mail.


The LFM-926 virus was the first virus to attack Shockwave Flash application files.

Donut was the first worm to attack .NET services.

SQLSpider is a worm that attacks applications that use Microsoft SQL Server technology


Blaster Virus infects more than 250.000 Windows computer in less than 24 jam.

The Slammer virus is believed to be the fastest spreading computer virus ever released into cyberspace. The virus spread at a rate of about one million computers per minute during its first day


The worldwide Wannacry Ransomware cyberattack that began in 12 Mei 2017. This attack is deployed using EternalBlue, an exploit developed by the United States National Security Agency(NSA) for Windows systems. Wannacry ransomware takes users' files hostage, and demanding ransom payments in the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

virus mengifeksi super komputer

The history of computer viruses from year to year has experienced changes in the way they spread and the impact of the losses they cause. Large companies are often the targets of these computer virus attacks.

With the increasing development of AI technology (Artificial Intelligence) At the moment, what do you think will happen to computer viruses in the future?? With the potential for virus creators to utilize the PC technology they have, there will be a high possibility of the emergence of more virulent and dangerous computer viruses. The history of computer viruses will continue to grow with increasingly complex threats in the future.

What exactly is a computer virus and how does it work? Getting to Know Computer Viruses: Terrifying Threat

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