Happy Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, Forgive me body and soul. May Allah swt accept our Ramadan worship. Check out the correct way to celebrate Eid al-Fitr according to the Prophet's example below.
Eid al-Fitr is a moment for all Muslims to rejoice in welcoming the day of victory. The meaning of Eid al-Fitr for everyone is happiness and victory, where on that day, Everyone feels happy and happy because they have fasted for a whole month.
May Allah swt make us among those who return pure and those who win, and be accepted for his acts of worship. May we always be in goodness every year.
How to celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Mahmudan.com has summarized several things that were exemplified and not prohibited by the Prophet Muhammad. in order to welcome and celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
List of contents:
How to Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr
1. Read more Takbir
It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah. reciting takbir on the last night of Ramadhan until the morning of the first day of Syawal. This is in accordance with what God said in Al-Qur'an Surat Al-Baqarah verse 185:
And to complete the number and to glorify God
"And complete the number of Ramadan, and praise Allah". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 185).
Takbir Eid al-Fitr can be said anywhere, At home, street, masjid, market or other place. The sunnah of Eid al-Fitr takbir begins when the sun sets at night 1 Syawal until takbiratul Ihram Imam prays Eid for those in congregation, or takbiratul Ihram mushalli himself, for those who pray alone.
One of the main examples of reciting takbir is:
God is the greatest God is the greatest God is the greatest There is no god but God God is the greatest God is the greatest and praise be to God, God is the greatest and praise be to God a lot and Glory be to God tomorrow and in the morning Oh, there is no god but God, and we worship none but Him, sincere in religion to Him, even if the disbelievers hate it. There is no god but God alone. His promise is true and His servant is victorious. He defeated the parties alone. There is no god but God, and God is great.
(Syekh Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami, Tuhfah al-Muhtaj, Already 3, hal. 54).
May Allah SWT accept our acts of worship and Ramadan fasting. May we always be in goodness every year.
2. Dress Up and Dress Up Best
Eid al-Fitr is the time to decorate and look as good as possible to show happiness on this blessed day. Decorating can be done by cleaning the body, cutting nails, wear the best perfume and the best clothes. It is more important to wear white clothes, unless there is something better besides white, So it's more important to wear the nicest clothes, like new clothes.
This adornment custom applies to anyone, even for people who did not attend the Eid al-Fitr prayers. Especially for women, Recommendations for decoration must still pay attention to the limits of the Sharia, such as not opening the private parts, not showing an appearance that attracts other men who are not her mahram and so on.
3. Eating Before Eid Prayer
Let's celebrate Hari Raya Idul Fitri with joy and gratitude. One of the days on which fasting is forbidden is Eid al-Fitr.
Before Eid prayer, Rasulullah saw. used to eat odd amounts of dates; three, lima, or seven. In a Hadith it is stated that: “During Eid al-Fitr, Rasulullah saw. do not go to the place of prayer before eating an odd number of dates.” (HR. Ahmad and Bukhari)
4. Eid prayer
Rasulullah performed the Eid prayer together with his family and friends, good boy, Woman, or even children. The Prophet chose a different route when leaving and returning from the place where the Eid al-Fitr prayer was held.
The Prophet also ended the Eid al-Fitr prayer, Usually when the sun is as high as a spear or about two meters. This is intended so that Muslims have sufficient time to pay zakat fitrah.
May Allah SWT make us back in a pure state and be among those who get victory, and all prayers are answered.
5. Visiting Crowded Places
Visiting crowded places aims to distance yourself from loneliness and sadness.
Once upon a time it was Eid al-Fitr, Rasulullah accompanied Aisyah to a spear and shield performance. It's actually really fun, as the hadith of Ahmad's history, Bukhari and Muslim, Aisyah looked up (bring up) head on Rasulullah's shoulder so that he could watch the game from over Rasulullah's shoulder with satisfaction.
6. Visiting a Friend's House
The tradition of visiting each other during the Eid al-Fitr holiday has been around since the time of the Prophet. When Eid al-Fitr arrives, The Prophet visited the homes of his friends. Likewise his friends. On this occasion, The Prophet and his companions prayed for each other's goodness. Just like what Muslims do today. Come to your relatives' place to pray for each other.
Apologize and forgive others with compassion (continue love) either to husband or wife, both parents, child, family, relatives, our neighbors and friends and relations.
Love is the opposite of hatred, people who have hatred within themselves towards their husband or wife, parent, child, family, relatives, neighbor, friends and relations are said to cut ties of friendship, People who break friendship will not enter heaven.
Good luck, prosperity, and prosperity join your family on this holiday.
7. Congratulation
Hari Raya is a day full of joy. Because of that, It is recommended to congratulate each other on the happiness achieved during the holidays. There is no prohibition to say happy holidays. Basically, greetings for Eid are accompanied by a hope or prayer to obtain good things. Wishing good for others is a good thing too.

Examples of Eid al-Fitr greeting cards that you can edit