It is a happiness if many other people like us, because with that we have many friends and companions. But, how to get other people to like us?
Being someone you like is not always about physical appearance or position. Sometimes simple but honest, friendly, faithful, and close to heart, actually become a person who is more liked by other people.
Dale Carnegie, a figure from the United States, in his book entitled How To Win Friends And Influence People, suggests there are six ways to get other people to like us.

Six Ways to Get People to Like Us
List of contents
1. Really Interested in Others.
The first way to get other people to like us is to show interest in other people. Being interested in other people can mean liking socializing and interacting with other people. This is closely related to the level of social intelligence we have. The better social intelligence we have, will make it easier for us to get along and interact with other people.
This is what will make other people like us. Besides that, we will get more friends in time 2 months by becoming interested in other people than we get in time 2 years by getting other people interested in you.
2. Smile
Prof. James V. Mc Connell, a psychologist from Michigan once said: “Smiling person, tend to be able to cope, teach and sell more effectively and raise happier children”. By smiling at the people we meet, shows that we are happy to meet him.
A sincere smile means that we're happy. And happiness is a form of positive emotion that we can "transmit" to other people. This pleasant condition allows us to interact better.

What if we are having problems at that time?? Try to force yourself to smile. Train ourselves to be able to smile no matter how many problems overwhelm us. By forcing yourself to smile, will be able to reduce feelings of irritation, angry, sadness that arises because of problems. Don't dwell on problems, Convince yourself that every problem has a solution.
An ancient Chinese proverb says: “A person without a smiling face should not open a shop”. What is the meaning of this proverb? Of…. The smile given by the shop assistant, will make buyers feel happy to shop at the store which in turn will become loyal customers. The broader meaning is that smiling at someone will make that person like us and everything related to us (including our business)
3. Remember Someone's Name
Are readers sure that the average person is more interested in their own name than the names of other people in this world?? Because of that, in order for us to be liked by other people, we need to mention that person's name when we meet him. Remember the person's name well, and call the name in a friendly tone. If that has been done, then it means we have given him praise.
Be careful, Don't mispronounce someone's name, because it will create an unpleasant feeling in the hearts of the people who have the name. We also cannot forget the name of someone we have met. This is indeed difficult to do. It could be because we rarely see each other, or just met once in a long time. It could also be because we don't take the time, energy and concentration to remember someone's name. Because of that, so that we are liked by others, let's practice to remember someone's name. Remember that: "the name has magic and belongs to the person".
4. Be a Good Listener.
Normal humans are created with one mouth and two ears, this means we can listen more than we talk. Make yourself a good listener. People prefer good listeners to good talkers. Being a good listener is a skill and ability that is rare and difficult to possess.

Dale Carnegie reminded that: “The person you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in themselves, desire, their problems compared to their interest in you and your problems”. Because of that, we need to learn and have the skills to be a good listener.
5. Discuss Other People's Interests
As stated above, that people prefer and are interested in talking about things related to themselves. One of them is the interest he had. If you know that the person you are talking to likes political issues, invite him to talk about the current political situation. Show him that you are also interested in political issues by providing a variety of responses. Encourage him to talk further about it, so as to create enthusiasm in them.
There is enthusiasm to talk to us, and our desire to talk about things that interest him is what will make him like us. He feels comfortable and enjoys hanging out with us.
6. Make Others Feel Important
The last way proposed by Carnegie is to make someone feel important. When we are only selfish, so that they are not able to give attention and appreciation to others, we will encounter failure. Feeling important and taking others for granted is not a commendable attitude. This will cause hatred towards ourselves. People will tend to avoid us.
Therefore, make others feel important and useful to others, especially for us. In this way the person will feel appreciated and cared for. A wise sentence was once said by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a poet from the United States: “Everyone I meet is better than me in some way. In that case, I learned from him".
What are the six ways we can do to make other people like us?? We must have these six methods and become an ability for us so that other people like us. Maybe we can practice and get used to implementing the six methods mentioned above. Hopefully, the more other people like us!
Hope it is useful, read too another interesting article