A true story, I'll give it a title: Waiting for God's Decree
I have graduated from college and have found a good job.
Proposals for me to get married also started coming in, but I didn't find anyone who could interest me.
Then busy work and career turned me away from everything else. Until I'm old 34 year.
That's when I realized how difficult it was to get married late.
One day a young man came to ask for my hand. He is older than me 2 year. He comes from a poor family. But I sincerely accept him as he is.
We started calculating wedding plans. He asked me for a photocopy of his KTP to process the marriage documents. I immediately handed it over to him.
After two days passed, his mother contacted me by telephone. He asked me to meet as soon as possible.
I immediately met him. Suddenly he took out a photo copy of my KTP. He asked me if my date of birth on the KTP was correct?
I answer: Correct.
Then he said: So you are approaching age 40 year?!
I answer: My age now exactly 34 year.
His mother said again: Can, just the same.
Your age is over 30 year.
That means your chances of having children are getting slimmer.
Meanwhile, I really want to hold my grandchildren.
He didn't want to keep quiet until he ended the proposal process between me and his son.
Hard Times

Those difficult times are over 6 moon.
Finally I decided to go on the Umrah pilgrimage with my father, so that I can pour out my sadness and disappointment in Baitullah.
I also went to Mecca.
I sat crying, kneel in front of the Kaaba.
I am asking God to give me the best way.
After finishing praying, I saw a woman reading the Koran with a very melodious voice.
I heard him repeating verses again and again:
(God's grace upon you was great)
"And the grace of God bestowed upon you is very great".
(An Nisa’: 113)
My tears flowed profusely when I heard the chanting of that verse.
Suddenly the woman hugged me into her lap.
And he began to repeat the words of Allah:
(And your Lord will give you and you will be satisfied)
“And really, later your God will surely give you His grace, until you are satisfied".
(Adh Duha: 5)
For Allah, as if I had heard that verse for the first time in my life. The influence is extraordinary, my soul becomes calm.
After all the Umrah rituals are completed, I returned to Cairo.
On the plane I sat to the left of my father, while on his right side sits a young man.
When the plane arrives at the airport, I went down.
In the waiting room I met the husband of one of my friends.
We asked him, In what order did he come to the airport??
He answered that he was waiting for his friend to return on the same plane I was on.
Just a few moments, suddenly his friend came.
It turned out that he was the young man who was sitting in the chair to my father's right.
Next I went with my father…..
I just got home and changed clothes, having fun resting, My friend whose husband I met at the airport called me.
Immediately, she said that her husband's friend who was on the same plane as me was very interested in me.
He wanted to meet me at my friend's house that same evening.
The reason, the good needs to be hastened.
My heart was beating very fast due to this surprise that I never imagined.
Then I asked my father for his consideration regarding my friend's husband's offer.
He encouraged me to go to him.
It could be that way God gave me a way out.
Finally…..I came to visit my friend's house.
God's decree
Only a few days after that the young man came to propose to me officially.
And only a month and a half after that meeting we really became husband and wife.
My heart really beats with the hope of happiness.
My family life began with optimism and happiness.
I found a husband who exactly matches my expectations.
He is a very good person, full of love, soft, philanthrope, have good morals, Plus his family is very kind and respectable.
However, several months have passed and there are still no signs of pregnancy in me.
My feelings began to fill with anxiety.
Moreover, I was already old at that time 36 year.
I asked my husband to take me to see a gynecologist.
I'm worried that I won't be able to get pregnant.
We went to see a well-known and experienced doctor.
He asked me for a blood test.
When we received the blood test results, He said that there was no need for me to continue with the next examination, because the results are clear.
Immediately he said “Congratulations, you are pregnant!”
The days of my pregnancy passed safely, even though I experienced more difficulties than ordinary people.
Maybe because I got pregnant at a fairly old age.
Throughout my pregnancy, I have no desire to know the gender of the child I am carrying.
Because whatever God gives me is all His favor and grace.
Every time I complain that it feels like my womb is too big, the doctor answered:
That's because you got pregnant at that age 36 year.
Then came the long awaited days, the day it's time to give birth.
The cesarean delivery process went smoothly.
After I realized, The doctor came into my room with a smile floating on his face while asking about the gender of the child I was expecting.
I answered that I only desired God's grace.
It doesn't matter to me the gender. I will welcome male or female with a thousand thanks.
I was shocked by his statement:
“So what do you think if you get Hasan, Husen and Fatimah at the same time?
I don't understand what the hell he's talking about.
Full of curiosity I asked what he meant?
Then he answered while calming me so that I wouldn't be shocked and hysterical that God had given me this gift 3 children at once. 2 men and 1 woman.

As if God wanted to give me 3 children at the same time to catch up with me and my old age.
Actually the doctor knew that I was pregnant with twins 3, but he didn't want to convey that to me so that I wouldn't feel anxious about going through my pregnancy.
Then I cried while repeating Allah's verses over and over again:
(And your Lord will give you and you will be satisfied)
“And really, later your God will surely give you His grace, until you are satisfied". (Adh Duha: 5)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:
(And be patient for the judgment of your Lord, for you are in our eyes. )
"And be patient waiting for the decree of your Lord, for indeed you are under Our supervision..." (Ath Thur: 48)
Read this verse full of meditation and appreciation, Keep praying with a heart full of confidence that Allah has never and will never abandon you.
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Thank you very much
Rasulullah SAW said :”Whoever conveys it 1 (One) just knowledge and there are people who practice it,then even the one who delivered it is gone (die), he will still be rewarded.” (HR. Al-Bukhari)
I found this story from the post facebook, but I no longer remember the name of the maker.
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Hopefully after reading this true story – Waiting for God's Decree – the title I gave, can raise your enthusiasm to achieve your goals, don't get tired easily in trying and praying.
Hope it is useful.
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