For those of you who have problems with acne, don't panic, deal with it accurately and not excessively. Check out these tips for dealing with and preventing acne, God willing, it will work. Acne is a condition where the pores of the body's skin become blocked or closed, causing acne to enlarge. Someone with acne, usually experience various feelings such as discomfort, not confident, I feel insecure and really want to immediately get rid of the pimples from my face.
In an effort to treat and prevent acne, It is important for you to know the causes of acne and what the symptoms are, please read this article to the end.
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Causes of Acne
Acne can be caused by various factors, internal and external. Internal factors include the covering of hair follicles by normal skin cells (follicle : small and narrow glandular sacs) until mixed with oil (sebum) which lubricates hair and skin. In adolescence, glands that produce sebum (sebaceous) production increases.
Sebaceous glands are found in many areas of facial skin, neck, dada, upper back and upper arms so that in this area you can sometimes find acne growing. Increased sebum production increases the activity of bacteria that normally live on the skin.
The next cause is hormonal changes (hormones : substances that are formed by certain parts of the body in small quantities and carried to other body tissues and have specific effects) which occurs in adolescence can cause the size of the sebaceous glands to become larger and increase the production of oil substances. In most people with acne hormone levels are normal, but the level of the sebaceous glands is very sensitive to hormones.
External factors, including the type of food consumed, The influence of food on acne is still controversial. Several studies have found a weak association between cow's milk consumption and an increased risk of acne, This may be caused by hormones that are naturally found in cow's milk. However, there is no strong evidence that milk, Foods high in fat or chocolate increase the risk of acne.
Another factor that plays a role is the growth of very large numbers of bacteria, resulting in local inflammation and causing rupture of the follicle or the formation of acne. Bacterial infection (Corynebacterium acne, Staphylococcus albus and epidermidis, Pityrospores oval and orbicular)
Then the last one is the condition of psychological stress, can worsen acne conditions. In several studies on students, The severity of acne worsens under conditions of increased stress.
Symptoms of Acne
Symptoms of acne usually include raised, painful red spots, can fill with pus, usually on the face. Apart from the face, These red spots can also appear on the scalp, neck, bahu, upper chest, upper arm, and back. Besides that, Acne can appear as white or black spots that are raised and painless. If you have an infection, Acne can turn into boils and fester.
Tips for Overcoming and Preventing Acne
Here are some tips you can use to treat and prevent acne:
- Keeping the face clean. Wash your face as much as possible 5 x a day, If necessary, you can add special facial soap, choose the one that suits your skin. The face is sufficiently washed and gently rubbed with hands, It doesn't need to be too strong and don't use a towel or cloth.
- Avoid changing brands or facial care products. If quite a lot of pimples appear, Avoid facial soaps that contain scrubs because the sharp particles will make acne worse.
- Always wash your hands and make sure your hands are clean before touching your face.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the clock 8 morning because ultraviolet rays are not good for skin health. If there are activities that require exposure to direct sunlight, try to use sunscreen.
- Avoid sleeping late. Skin needs rest just like the body. Night is the best time for skin to regenerate. Lack of sleep will disturb the balance of the skin's work, which can cause many problems.
- Increase your consumption of vegetables and fruit. This menu should not be missed. Try to always have vegetables and fruit in your diet. The vitamin and mineral content in vegetables and fruit is very good for skin health.
- Drink at least water 8-12 glass a day. Consume sufficient fluids (especially white water) Very good for neutralizing toxins and various substances that are not good for the body and of course the skin too.
- Avoid squeezing pimples because it will open the way for bacteria to enter and ultimately worsen the existing acne condition. Squeezing pimples also causes inflammation to get worse, face flushed, and of course it hurts.
- Don't be easily persuaded by advertisements for facial care products that promise instant results (in a short time) and too much in mentioning its benefits.

By keeping the face clean, Hopefully you can avoid acne. If acne strikes, deal with it accurately and not excessively. Don't spend too much time and money just to improve the appearance from the outside, while the mind and heart are not calm.
An uneasy heart can worsen psychological conditions which will have an impact on health. To help improve appearance, Apart from preventing acne, it is also important to caring for teeth and mouth.
Drawing closer to God the Creator can give you peace from within. A calm heart makes it easy to live a clean and healthy life.
Hope it is useful
Reference: Muslim Health Magazine