We breathe without thinking because it happens automatically. The average person breathes approx 20.000 times a day, but is our way of breathing correct??
According to Brett Boettcher on the x.com account, 99% people breathe incorrectly. If you are one of them, You need to improve the way you breathe for physical performance, performa mental, and facial structure improves.
It's not just a biological function, Breath is a bridge between body and mind. So, how we should breathe?
List of contents
How to breathe
Incorrect way of breathing
Many people breathe the wrong way but don't realize it, some occur during sleep. Bad way of breathing:
- Shallow and goes into the upper chest
- Uses the upper accessory muscles of the neck
Breathing through your mouth has the potential to cause various health problems if you do it regularly, among them:
- The mouth becomes dry,
- Bad breath and gum disease.
- Snoring and sleep problems, including sleep apnea.
- Trigger or worsen anxiety and stress
- facial and dental abnormalities
How to breathe properly
How you should breathe is:
- Take a deep breath into “stomach” you
- Through the NOSE with the mouth closed
- Using your diaphragm muscle
The nose filters, moisturize, and warms the air before it reaches the lungs in a way that the mouth cannot. The benefits of breathing through the nose are many, among them:
- Better oral health
- Better air filtration
- More oxygen to the brain
- Increases blood oxygenation
- Activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digestion)
Not just an anecdote, but research has shown that breathing through the nose is more efficient and better for overall health than breathing through the mouth.
But apart from functionality, the way you breathe affects your appearance. The difference between a person who breathes through the nose all his life and a person who breathes through the mouth all his life can be seen in the physical structure of the face.
Improve the way you breathe
If you naturally breathe through your mouth, there is still hope. You can train yourself to breathe through your nose. Here's how:
- Awareness. The first step to changing anything is realizing the problem. Start paying attention to yourself throughout the day. When you walk outside, exercising, or typing on a computer, check if you are breathing through your nose. If not, correct it consciously.
- Active Practice. As you concentrate on your breath, such as during meditation or exercise, practice actively inhaling and exhaling through your nose. As you continue to practice, it will change from a forced action to one that occurs naturally.
- Nasal Cleansing. If your nasal passages are blocked, breathing through the nose will be difficult. You can use a saline spray or nasal irrigation method to help clear your nasal passages. Besides that, Warm baths and blowing your nose can also be helpful.
- Improve Tongue Posture. Adjusting the position of your tongue at rest will affect the shape of your face over time. Try to keep your tongue slightly pressed against the roof of your mouth, right behind your front teeth. Does not hang towards the front or bottom.
- Mouth Tape. Another great way to train yourself to breathe through your mouth is to use tape while you sleep. Duct tape is porous, and you can still breathe through it, but it keeps your mouth open all night. It is equivalent to 8 potential hours of nasal breathing per day.
By practicing breathing through your nose consciously, You also do what is known as breathing “diaphragm” or “stomach”. This type of breathing allows for better oxygen exchange and activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which can help calm the body and mind.
5 How to train yourself to breathe through your nose:
- Awareness
- Mouth cover
- Nasal cleansing
- Active training
- Tongue posture
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Thank you sir,,the article is good and a little useful but adds insight,,
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