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12 Basic Guide to Making Simple But Interesting PowerPoint Presentations

membuat presentasi thumb

Creating an attractive PowerPoint presentation is a challenge in itself. Presentation is speaking or communicating in front of many people to convey an idea, ide, material, and as a resource person or other things. Presentations must be carried out well so that they can be understood and attract attentionaudience. Therefore, presentation material is needed that is interesting and interactive and not boring.

The presentation material commonly used is slides. Slides are one or more pages that will be displayed in a presentation. Presentation slides can be created in many software, one of the famous ones is Microsoft PowerPoint.

To create attractive PowerPoint presentation slides, it does require a little more effort. It doesn't have to be complicated, Presentation slides can be made in a simple but interesting way. To make it more interesting, You can also add animation in PowerPoint.

This basic guide is perfect for those of you who are new to or want to improve your skills in making presentations in PowerPoint

Tips for Making PowerPoint Presentations Interesting

To create an attractive presentation, You can follow the following tips:

  1. Design your own presentation slides to be displayed or download the template provided. Using the default templates from PowerPoint makes presentations look boring because they are often used and tend to be stiff.
  2. Design the slide ratio to suit the screen resolution. A slide ratio that does not match the screen resolution means that the slide cannot appear on the full screen.
  3. Maintain the readability of the text by using high contrast between the background color and the text color but still comfortable to look at.
  4. Choose a font size and style that can be read clearly even from a distance.

Before proceeding, You may want to watch the video tutorial for creating a PowerPoint presentation below

Basic Steps to Make an Attractive Powerpoint Presentation:

In this guide the application used is Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, however you can also apply it to newer versions as it basically has the same concept.

1. Select a Blank Slide

You can start by selecting a blank slide to freely determine the layout of your content. To select a blank slide, di tab Home click Layout then select Blank

Memilih slide kosong
Choose slide empty

2. Set Slide Size.

After selecting a blank slide, next is to set the slide size. This aims to adjust the slide ratio to the screen ratio. For example, the screen as a slide viewing medium has a ratio 4:3 then choose the slide ratio 4:3 Also, likewise if the slide viewer ratio is 16:9.

To set the slide size, click the menu Design then click Page Setup, then a dialogue screen will appear Page Setup. On the field Slide size for Select the screen resolution ratio of the device you are using. Most computer screens have a ratio 16:9

Menentukan ukuran slide
Determine the slide size

3. Adding a Slide Background

An important part of making a PowerPoint presentation attractive is to design your own background. You can determine the background color, textures and images. To add a background to a slide, right click on slide then select Format Background then the dialog box Format Background will appear.

Menambahkan background
Add background

On the dialog box Format Background, there are several choices of background types that you can use, namely Solid fill, Gradient fill, Picture or texture fill or Pattern fill. Select the type of background you want, for example Gradient fill.

You can also choose to set the same background for all slides. Click Apply to All to apply the same background to all slides, or click Close to only set the background for certain slides.

Memilih background
Choose background

4. Creating Color Gradations

Color gradation is the transfer of one color to another. Color gradations can eliminate the stiff impression of slides. Color gradations can be applied to the background, form and also text.

4.1. Color Gradation on the Background

Right click on the slide then select Format Background. In section Fill select Gradient fill, then set as follows:

  1. Select one Preset colors
  2. Select Type gradation
  3. Select Direction color gradation.
  4. Determine Angle (angle) color
  5. Click one of the markers Gradient stops then change the color on the option Color as you wish (markers Gradient stops can be added or deleted)
  6. Also adjust the brightness and color transparency levels.
Menyesuaikan gradient fill
Adapt gradient fill

4.2. Color Gradation in Shapes

To create color gradations on a shape, click shape then click tab Format Shape, then click Shape Fill then select Gradient. You can choose the variations provided or you can also decide for yourself by selecting More Gradient.

Memilih gradient fill
Choose gradient fill

5. Adding Text

You can add text with three options, namely with WordArt, Text Box or Shapes. Basically these three types are one shape rectangle, The difference between the three is text that has been formatted and that has not been formatted.

5.1. Adding Text with WordArt.

Click the menu Insert then click WordArt then select the desired style.

Menggunakan WordArt
Use WordArt

Then type the text, for example “Computer Tutorial”

Menambahkan teks dengan WordArt
Add text with WordArt

5.2. Adding Text with a Text Box.

Click the menu Insert then select Text Box then click and drag on slide, then type the text, for example "by"

Menambahkan teks dengan Text Box
Add text with Text Box

After you add text, You can make the text more attractive by changing the size, font style and text color.

6. Formatting Text

Formatting text is an important part of creating an attractive PowerPoint presentation. Formatting text aims to give an artistic touch to the text, so that the text becomes more beautiful and pleasing to the eye so that it attracts attention.

You can change the size, font style and text color, You can also change Text Box become WordArt.

You can add other effects to the ex like Shadow, Reflection, Glow and others. You can also change the text color via the color options on Text Fill and Text Outline.

To format text, click Text Box or highlight specific text, then on tab Shape Format choose the color and text style you want.

Memformat teks
Formatting text

7. Adding Shapes

You can add various shapes to slides. You can also create new shapes by combining several shapes. You can also type text on the shape. To add shapes, follow these steps:

  1. On the menu Insert, click Shapes, select the desired shape for example a rectangle then click on slide,
  2. To add text, Click on the shape then type the text, for example “”.
  3. Then adjust the size of the shape to the length of the text.
Menambahkan sebuah bentuk beserta teks
Add a shape along with text

8. Formatting Shapes

As does text, You can also format shapes to add style to a shape. To format a shape, do the following:

  1. On the menu Format, in section Shape Style.  You can add effects like Shadow, Glow, Reflection, or options 3D.
  2. To decorate the contents shape, click Shape Fill then choose the type of decoration you want.
  3. To color the outline click Shape Outline then choose the color you want.

Text in a shape can also be styled as well as formatting the text.

In the example below, in section Fill using type Gradient fill, then on Preset colors using models Gold II.

Notes: If you are using a newer version of PowerPoint, You may not find Preset colors model Gold II.

Memformat shape dengan Gradient fill
Formatting shape with Gradient fill

For effect, use Shape Effects  with Preset 5

Menambahkan Shape Effect
Add Shape Effect

For fonts, use Segoe UI Black size 28 then the letter spacing is very loose.

Mengatur jarak antar huruf
Set the distance between letters
membuat presentasi PowerPoint
opening-slide final image

9. Adding Images to Slides

Adding images to slides is the right step in creating an attractive PowerPoint presentation. By adding images to the slide, Your slides become more interesting and it is easier for the audience to understand the purpose and objectives of the presentation.

To add images to slides, on the tab Insert click Picture then select the image you want.

Apart from the method above, You can also add or insert images to slides using Shapes. With this way, You can set the image transparency level as well as image stretching options.

To insert an image into a slide use Shapes, do the following:

  1. Add a shape, for example a rectangle
  2. Right click on shape then select Format Shapes, in section Fill select Picture or texture fill then select the image you want by clicking the button File.
Menambahkan gambar melalui shape
Add images via shape

10. Setting the Object Position

Objects in PowerPoint are everything that exists in a PowerPoint presentation file, objects can be shapes, picture, text, audio, videos and more, either above the area or outside the slide area.

When you create many objects and they overlap each other, You can set certain objects to be in front of or behind other objects. To adjust the position of the object, right click on the object and select Bring to Font (the object is in front) or Send to Back (the object is behind)

Mengatur posisi objek
Set the position of the object
gambar akhir slide-pertama
end image of first slide

11. Create a Second Slide

To create a second slide, in addition to creating a new slide, You can also duplicate the first slide to become the second slide and so on, see section duplicate slides.

To add a new slide, on the tab Home, click New Slide then select Blank. You can also use the available slide themes.

tambahkan slide baru

12. Duplicate Slides

Duplicating a slide will copy whatever is on the slide, including the animation effects of each object, timing and also slide transition effects.

If you are going to create a PowerPoint presentation with the same text format or the same animation effects for several slides, It's best to duplicate a slide after you finish a slide. Duplicate slide can save your time and energy.

To duplicate slide, right click on slide then click Duplicate Slide

Menduplikat slide
Duplicate slide
gambar akhir slide-kedua
end image of second slide

Showing Slides

To show the slides you have made is very easy, click tab Slide Show then select From Beginning. You can also show slides by clicking the Slide Show icon located at the bottom right of PowerPoint.

Apart from the method above, You can also quickly show slides by pressing a button F5 on the keyboard.

menayangkan slide


That's the basic guide to making a simple PowerPoint presentation, to make your PowerPoint presentation more interesting, you can Add animation effects in PowerPoint.

Hopefully this guide is useful

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