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How to Make a Letterhead in Word – 5 Easy Steps

kop surat dengan garis penutup di word

Guide to creating a letterhead in Word with five steps that are easy for you to follow. Also learn how to insert a picture, how to create a letterhead line and set the letterhead to only appear on the first page.

Letterhead is a format used to show the identity of the sender of an official letter. The letterhead should be placed at the top before the date of the letter.

In official letters, we often find that the letter has a letterhead or letterhead. Letterhead is a format used to show the identity of the sender of an official letter. The letterhead is located at the top of the document before the date of the letter. Di Microsoft Word, The letterhead is usually in the header of the document

The components that need to be in the head of an official letter are the identity of the company or agency, including logos, name of company or agency, complete address, phone number, email address, official website (optional), and fax number (optional).

Before continuing, You might be interested watch this video tutorial.

Here's how to create a letterhead in Word in five easy steps.

Steps to Create a Letterhead in Word

Steps 1: Atifkan Header

To create a letterhead in the header, You need to activate the header first. How to activate it is very easy, Double click on the top margin of the document and the document header becomes active.

When the header is active, You can see the tab Header & Footer. Didalam header, You can see a center aligned tab stop has been created automatically by the system (for Word 2019 to the top). Tab stop functions to create text with center alignment wherever the text is positioned. You can learn more about using tab stops in the tutorial learn to type in Word – make a statement letter

mengaktifkan header

Steps 2: Insert Logo Image Into Header.

When the header is active, insert the image into the header, copy the image from your gallery then paste it into the header. The steps are exactly the same as how to insert images into Word.

After inserting the image into the header, Set the position and size of the image to fit the header space. You can learn how to change the size and position of an image in Word.

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Steps 3: Type Letterhead Text in the Header

On most letterheads, The letterhead text is centered. To make the text center flat, You can use tab stop the center average that has been created automatically by the system. Kika in your header there is no tab stop, add a center aligned tab stop, then press the button Tab so that the cursor moves to the middle of the header.

Type the organization or company identity text such as the name, address, phone number, and others.

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After typing the letterhead text, You may need to style the letterhead text so that it is neat and clearly visible.

Steps 4: Set the Letterhead Text Style

You can set several options for the letterhead text such as text format, line spacing and text position.

  1. Set Text Format. You can set the text format by changing the size, the type and style of font used on the letterhead, in the same way that you change the plain text format, highlight the text you want to change, then in tab Home part Font, select font size, the type of font and font style you want.

Example of Letterhead Text Format:

  • Company name text: font type Bookman Old Style size 26pt
  • Address text and more: font type Bookman Old Style size 10pt or 8pt.
mengatur format teks kop surat
  1. Set the distance between rows. If you see the spacing between rows is too loose, You can close it, highlight the text then on Line and Paragrah Spacing select 1,0 then click Remove Space After Paragraph
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  1. Set the text position. If you see the text position is too close/far from the logo image, You can set it by highlighting all the text then moving the marker tab stop to the left or right to be in the right position.
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Steps 5: Create a Letterhead Cover Line

The letterhead is always closed with a line. The quickest way to create a letterhead line is to type three equal signs ( === ) after the last text then press Enter.

However, The most ideal way to create a letterhead outline is to use borders. With borders You can set the style, color and line size. To create a letterhead outline use borders, follow these steps:

  1. Position the cursor just below the last image or text on the letterhead, then on tab Home, in section Paragraph click Borders  then select Borders and Shading
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  1. On the dialog box Your Borders Shading, set as follows:
    1. Select Custom
    2. Select Style, Color and Width appropriate
    3. Click all four sides to delete or add lines, then just leave a line at the bottom
    4. Click OK to apply
mengatur gaya garis penutup kop surat
  1. Creating a letterhead line in Word is complete
membuat kop surat di Word dengan garis penutup

Letterhead creation has been completed. Next, you can set whether you want the letterhead only at the beginning of the document or the entire document.

Make a Letterhead in Word Only the First Page

If you want to make a letterhead only on the first page, You need to add Section Break (Next Page) on the first page.

By adding Section Break (Next Page), You can create different pages in Word. Apart from creating a different header display, You can too create page numbers different in Word.

To set the letterhead only on the first page, do the following steps:

  1. Add a Section Break on the first page. To add a Section Break (Next Page) on the first page, place the cursor at the end of the first page, then click tab Layout ->Breaks->Next Page
tambahkan Section-Break
  1. Turn off the Link To Previous option. After adding Section Break (Next Page) on the first page, enable Header then turn off the option Link To Previous
  2. Remove Letterhead on Second Page. After the Link To Previous option is turned off, simply remove the letterhead on the second page, then the letterhead is only on the first page.
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Now the letterhead is only on the first page. Apart from adding Section Break (Next Page), You can also organize different pages with Header Options

Header Options

With Header Options, You can set different headers for odd and even pages. So you can set if you want the letterhead to only appear on the first page. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Enable headers,
  • Di tab Headers and Footers, tick Different Odd & Even Pages
header option

Now the letterhead only appears on odd pages.

Read too: Create Mail Merge Word with Excel Data

That's an easy guide to making a letterhead in Word 5 easy steps. Thank You.

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  1. That's great, min….
    Tutorial on using keyboard keys to type commands in Word without having to use the menu bar

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