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10 Word Shortcut Keyboard Function to Become Professional


Master ten keyboard shortcut functions Word This is to complete tasks faster and make you a Professional!

The keyboard shortcuts described in this article refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys on other layouts may not exactly match keys on US keyboards.

Key writing is separated by a plus sign (+) meaning you press two or more buttons simultaneously.

Word keyboard shortcuts for common functions

To do thisPress
Create uninterrupted space.CTRL + SHIFT + SPACES
Make a dash without breaking.CTRL + SHIFT + hyphen
Make bold letters.CTRL + B
Make italics.CTRL+I
Make underlined letters.CTRL+U
Reduce the font size by one value.CTRL+SHIFT+<
Increase the font size by one value.CTRL+SHIFT+>
Reduce font size 1 poin.CTRL+[
Increase font size 1 poin.CTRL+]
Remove paragraph or character formatting.CTRL+SPACE
Copy the selected text or object.CTRL+C
Cut the selected text or object.CTRL+X
Paste text or objects.CTRL+V
Special pasteCTRL+ALT+V
Just paste the formattingCTRL+SHIFT+V
Cancels the last action.CTRL+Z
Repeat the last action.CTRL+Y
Open a dialog box Word Count .CTRL+SHIFT+G

Word keyboard shortcuts to create, see, and save documents

To do thisPress
Create a new document.CTRL+N
Open the document.CTRL+O
Close the document.CTRL+W
Split document windows.ALT+CTRL+S
Remove document window separation.ALT+SHIFT+C or ALT+CTRL+S
Save documents.CTRL+S
Displays a dialog box Open.CTRL+F12 atau CTRL+O
Displays a dialog box Save As.F12

Word keyboard shortcuts to find, replace, and search for text

To do thisPress
Open the task pane Navigation (to find documents).CTRL + F
Repeat search (after closing the window Find and Replace ).ALT + CTRL + Y
Replace text, custom formatting, and special items.CTRL + H
Open the page, bookmark, footnote, table, komentar, chart, or other location.CTRL + G
Switch between the last four places you edited.ALT + CTRL + Z
Open the list of browsing options. Press the arrow keys to select an option,
then press ENTER to browse the document using the selected options.
Move to the previous browsed object (set in roaming options).CTRL + PAGE UP
Move to the next browsing object (set in roaming options).CTRL + PAGE DOWN

Word keyboard shortcuts for tdisplay

To do thisPress
Promotion of a paragraphALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Demotion of a paragraph.ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Reduce to body text.CTRL+SHIFT+N
Move the selected paragraph to the top.ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW
Move the selected paragraph to the bottom.ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Expand the text below the title.ALT+SHIFT+PLUS
Collapse the text below the title.ALT + SHIFT + MINUS SIGN
Expand or collapse all text or titles.ALT+SHIFT+A
Hide or show character formatting.Slash button (/) on the numeric keypad
Display the first line of body text or all body text.ALT+SHIFT+L
Display all headings with the Heading style 1.ALT+SHIFT+1
Show all headings up to Heading n .ALT + SHIFT + n
Insert tab character.CTRL+TAB

Word keyboard shortcuts for cprint and preview documents

To do thisPress
Print documents.CTRL+P
Switch to print preview.ALT+CTRL+I
Moves around the preview page when zoomed.Arrow keys
Moves one preview page when zoomed out.PAGE UP atau PAGE DOWN
Moves to the first preview page when zoomed in.CTRL+HOME
Moves to the last preview page when zoomed in.CTRL+END

Word keyboard shortcuts for hdelete text and images

To do thisPress
Delete one character to the left.BACKSPACE
Delete one word to the left.CTRL+BACKSPACE
Delete one character to the right.DELETE
Delete one word to the right.CTRL+ DELETE
Cut selected text to the Office Clipboard.CTRL+X
Cancels the last action.CTRL+Z
Potong ke Spike.CTRL+F3

Word keyboard shortcuts for pilih text and graphics

Select text by pressing SHIFT and using the arrow keys to move the cursor.

To Expand options

To do thisPress
Enable extended mode.F8
Select the closest character.F8, then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Increase the size of the selection.F8 (press once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, and so on)
Reduce the size of the selection.SHIFT + F8
Disable extended mode.ESC
Extend the selection one character to the right.SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
Extend the selection one character to the left.SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the word.CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Expand the selection to the beginning of the word.CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the line.SHIFT + END
Expand the selection to the beginning of the line.SHIFT + HOME
Expand the selection one row down.SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Extend the selection one line up.SHIFT + UP ARROW
Extend the selection to the end of the paragraph.CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Extend the selection to the beginning of the paragraph.CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW
Expand the selection one screen down.SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
Expand the selection one screen up.SHIFT + PAGE UP
Expand the selection to the beginning of the document.CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the end of the document.CTRL+SHIFT+END
Extend the selection to the end of the window.ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Expand the selection to include the entire document.CTRL+A
Select the vertical text block.CTRL+SHIFT+F8, then use the arrow keys;
press ESC to cancel selection mode
Expand the selection to a specific location in the document.F8+arrow keys; press ESC to cancel selection mode

Word keyboard shortcuts for menapply character format

To do thisPress
Open a dialog box Font to change character formatting.CTRL+D
Change case.SHIFT + F3
Format all letters as capital.CTRL+SHIFT+A
Apply bold formatting.CTRL+B
Apply underline.CTRL+U
Underline words but not spaces.CTRL+SHIFT+W
Double underline text.CTRL+SHIFT+D
Apply hidden text formatting.CTRL+SHIFT+H
Apply italic formatting.CTRL+I
Format letters as small caps.CTRL+SHIFT+K
Apply subscript formatting (auto spacing).CTRL + EQUAL SIGN
Apply superscript formatting (auto spacing).CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS
Remove manual character formatting.CTRL+SPACE
Change the selection to Symbol font.CTRL+SHIFT+Q

Word keyboard shortcuts for writingrow spacing tour

To do thisPress
Single spaced line.CTRL+1
Double spaced lines.CTRL+2
Set a space 1,5 CLASSIFIED.CTRL+5
Add or delete a line space before a paragraph.CTRL+0 (nol)

Word keyboard shortcuts for salign paragraphs

To do thisPress
Switch paragraphs between center-aligned or left-aligned.CTRL+E
Switch paragraphs between right and left alignment or left alignment.CTRL+J
Switch paragraphs between right-aligned or left-aligned.CTRL+R
Align left of a paragraph.CTRL+L
Indent paragraphs from the left.CTRL+M
Remove paragraph indentation from the left.CTRL+SHIFT+M
Create a hanging indent.CTRL+T
Reduce the hanging indent.CTRL+SHIFT+T
Remove paragraph formatting.CTRL+Q

By mastering 10 fungsi keyboard shortcut Word This, You have become a Professional.

Source: Microsoft

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