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2 Easy Ways to Insert Images into Word

gambar dalam word

If you want to add or insert an image into Word, to Excel or to PowerPoint, for example, a signature image or photo, follow two simple ways in this guide.

When you want to make a letterhead in Word with the logo of the company or agency where you work, You need to add a logo image to the letterhead.

Inserting images or photos into Word or other Office applications is quite easy, You can do it in the following two ways. Not only in the Word application, You can also practice these two methods in other Microsoft Office applications such as Excel and PowerPoint, good Office 2010 or newer.

A. Inserting Images into Word with the Insert Menu

To insert images into Word with the Insert menu, do the following:

  1. Open the Word application, Excel or PowerPoint.
  2. Click tabInsert then clickPicture, then file explorer Insert Picture will open
menu insert
  1. On the window Insert Picture, select the location where the picture you want to insert is located, then click the image you want to insert then click the buttonInsert, You can also double click on the picture you want to insert.
memilih file gambar

Finished, Your image appears in Word.

gambar dalam dokumen word

B. Inserting Word Images by Copy – Paste

To insert images into Word by copy-pasting, follow these steps:

1. Copy Image

The first thing you need to do is copy the image first, to copy the picture, You can use one of the following three methods:

  • With buttonsCopyin Explorer. Click the image then click the buttonCopy
salin gambar dengan tombol copy
  • WithCtrl+ C. Click the image then press the buttonCtrl+ C on the keyboard simultaneously
  • WithRight click. Right click on the picture and clickCopy
menyalin gambar

2. Paste Image

After copying the image using one of the methods mentioned above, now you can paste the image into a Word document or other Office application.

Open the Word application or another Office application, then use one of the following three methods to paste the image on the application.

  • Through the menuToolbar, on the tabHome click the menu Paste
paste gambar
  • With Ctrl+ V. Press the buttonCtrl and buttonsVon the keyboard simultaneously.
  • Withright click. Right click on the Word page then onPaste Optionsselect the clipboard icon as in the example image below.
menu paste


By using one of the methods mentioned above, then you have successfully inserted the image into a Word document or other Office application.

memasukkan gambar ke word

The image you enter will appear in the Word application at its original size, or a maximum of paper margins. If the dimensions of the image you entered are too large, You may need to resize it. Follow the guide how to change the size and position of an image in Word.

If you want to insert a signature image without a background, You can follow the method delete the background of a photo or image in PowerPoint. You can also use this method to remove the background in Word, because PowerPoint and Word have Picture Tools The same.

That's how to insert images into Word, Hope it is useful. Follow too This YouTube channel to watch other video tutorials

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