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How to Create a Windows-7 Virtual Machine with Hyper-V

mesin virtual windows-7 di Hyper-V

Connecting Virtual Machines to the Network

To connect virtual machines to the network, You need to make one virtual network switch using Virtual Switch Manager.

1. Virtual Switch Manager

Accessing the Virtual Switch Manager is quite easy, do the following:

  • Back to Hyper-V Manager, then on section Action, select Virtual Switch Manager
Membuka pengelola jaringan virtual
Opens virtual network manager

2. Creating a New Virtual Switch

To create a new virtual switch, on Virtual Switch Manager do the following steps:

  1. In section Virtual Switches, click New virtual network switch
  2. In section Create virtual switch, click External
  3. Then click the button Create Virtual Switch
Membuat Virtual Switch
Creating Virtual Switches
  1. On the field Name, type a name for Virtual Switch, example: V_LAN
  2. On Connection type, select External network, select an available network device, then click Allow management operating system to share this network adapter
  3. Click OK
Menentukan properti Virtual Switch
Define Virtual Switch properties
  1. If confirmation appears “Apply Network Change” click Yes
Konfirmasi perubahan jaringan
Confirm network changes

3. Changing Network Settings on a Virtual Machine

After creating a new virtual switch, You need to change the network settings on the virtual machine to use it on the virtual machine. To do it, do the following steps:

  • On Hyper-V Manager, right click on the virtual machine name, then click Settings
Membuka Pengaturan Mesin Virtual
Opening Virtual Machine Settings
  1. In section Hardware, select Network
  2. Then on Virtual switch, select the name of the virtual switch that was created previously
  3. Click OK
Pengaturan Jaringan pada Mesin Virtual
Network Settings on a Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Network Setup is complete. Next is to run the virtual machine.

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3 thoughts on “How to Create a Windows-7 Virtual Machine with Hyper-V”

  1. Keren…
    #ask bro
    Can be done on all versions of Windows 11 like the educational version, home or only for the pro and enterprise versions, bro ? 😁😁🙏🙏

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