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Tutorial, Tips and Tricks

Easy tutorials and how-tos for Windows computers, Useful tips and tricks for Office as well as sample files you can download for free. Motivation and inspiration for life.

Cara Membuat Kartu Ucapan Idul Fitri – Mudah dan Menyenangkan

How to Make Eid Greeting Cards – Easy and fun

7 Pengaruh Teknologi Digital pada Kognisi Manusia

7 The Effect of Digital Technology on Human Cognition

Is there and what is the influence of digital technology on human cognition?? According to Nicholas Carr, seo...
Gratis Template PPT Simple dan Modern: Limo

Free Simple and Modern PPT Templates: Limo

You can download this simple and modern ppt template for free. Template PowerPoint gratis b...


7 Pengaruh Teknologi Digital pada Kognisi Manusia

7 The Effect of Digital Technology on Human Cognition

Is there and what is the influence of digital technology on human cognition?? According to Nicholas Carr, an American journalist and author who has published books and articles on technology, business, and culture, write in a book....